
Mitochondria play a role in determining the likelihood of cancer, says expert at GITAM talk

Mitochondria play a role in determining the likelihood of cancer, says expert at GITAM talk

Danny R. Welch, a professor from the University of Kansas Cancer Center (USA), has said that their university researchers believe the role of mitochondria in determining the likelihood of cancer.

He was in the city to deliver a talk on ‘Cancer Research’, at GITAM Deemed to be University, here on Tuesday. GITAM School of Science’s Life Sciences Department organised the event.

He said that despite their small size, mitochondria are widely known as the powerhouses of the cell, responsible for generating energy. However, mitochondria may also contain crucial information that could help determine the likelihood of cancer metastasizing. Metastasis, or the spread of cancer, accounts for more than 90% of cancer-related deaths, yet comparatively little progress has been made in fully understanding its mechanisms, he added.

During his talk, Prof. Welch highlighted that metastasis remains the primary cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality. He explained that the process involves a complex interplay between intrinsic tumor cell properties and interactions between cancer cells and multiple micro-environments. He further elaborated on how mitochondrial genomes contribute to cancer metastasis, shedding light on recent research breakthroughs in this area.

He noted that a better understanding of mitochondrial DNA’s role in cancer could pave the way for more precise personalised medicine in the coming years, offering a hope for improved treatment strategies.

The session provided insights into cutting-edge cancer research and reinforced the importance of continued exploration into mitochondrial functions in oncology.

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